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Sunday, October 25, 2015

Kawasaki Halloween Parade 2015! Subtokyo 206

It's the super awesome Kawasaki Halloween Parade! Who had your favorite costume? Tag your favorite costumes in the comments! Kawasaki Halloween Parade, in Kawasaki on October 25, 2015.

Thanks for watching!

DOCTOR VOX - Frontier:
Meizong - Radiation:
Alexandra Hampton - Level-JP:

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New Opening theme Credits to Sun of the Dawn, used with direct permission.
ED theme credits to

Music by Jinglepunks and Argofox Creative Commons
A Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY) states that the material can be shared, remixed and used commercially as long as you give appropriate credit.

Kamen rider and costumes
Kamen rider and costumes
Furry costumes
Furry costumes
Parade sushi costumes
Parade sushi costumes

Lot of clown costumes
Lot of clown costumes
Brain with lips float
Brain with lips float
Princess Mononoke Costumes
Princess Mononoke Costumes
Alice, pirates, and surgeons
Alice, pirates, and surgeons
Snake piper, Harry Potter, Snow White
Snake piper, Harry Potter, Snow White
Snow white and Mario brothers
Snow white and Mario brothers
Captain America costume
Captain America costume
Japanese Costumes and Thor
Japanese Costumes and Thor
Card themed costumes
Card themed costumes
Ninja Turtles and Iron Man
Ninja Turtles and Iron Man
Superman and Clowns
Superman and Clowns
Japanese IC card costumes and Alice in Wonderland costumes
Japanese IC card costumes and Alice in Wonderland costumes
William Birkin and “G” from Resident Evil 2
William Birkin and “G” from Resident Evil 2
Highly detailed Resident Evil costumes
Highly detailed Resident Evil costumes
Zombie Duffy Bear costumes
Zombie Duffy Bear costumes
Grim, Celty Sturluson, and Baikinman costumes
Grim, Celty Sturluson, and Baikinman costumes
Serious Baikinman Costume
Serious Baikinman Costume
Baikinman and White and purple creature costume
Baikinman and White and purple creature costume
Kawasaki Halloween Parade Sign
Kawasaki Halloween Parade Sign
Star wars float information
Star wars float information
Kawasaki Halloween Balloon
Kawasaki Halloween Balloon

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