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Saturday, September 18, 2021

Poké Lids: Pokémon Manhole Covers! @Serigaya Park -Machida,Tokyo - Subto...

Awesome park in Machida, Tokyo with Poké Lids: artistic covers for utility holes! Which Pokémon cover was your favorite? Let me know if you enjoyed the video and if I should seek out the other special covers around Japan!

For more info visit the official site:

NieR Cafe! Replicant + Reincarnation Cafe @ Square Enix Cafe - Subtokyo 248

Two cafes in one video! NieR Replicant and Reincarnation collab cafes at the Square Enix Cafe!

Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker X Lawson Campaign! Subtokyo 247

New Final Fantasy XIV campaign with Lawson! We try out the new foods like the Karaage-kun Crystal of Light and Darkness flavor chicken (pepper tartar sauce flavor) and the Moogle Pon Pon Tea (Oolong tea). Other goodies like clear files and more were also obtained!

「からあげクン 光と闇のクリスタル味(ペッパータルタルソース味)」と「ファイナルファンタジーXIV モーグリのポンポン茶」買って食べてみた

teamLab★Borderless Digital Art Museum! Subtokyo 246

Finally edited the Teamlab video!